Online Booking Form Your contact details (* required fields)First Name*Surname*Contact Number*Email address* Buyers Advocate Yes Please tick if you are a Buyers Advocate acting on behalf of a client. Your CompanyPlease enter Buyers Advocate details here. Your client's details must be added above, the report can no longer be in the Buyers Advocate's Company name.Your NameYour EmailYour Phone NumberHow did you find us?Google searchYahoo searchReferral from past clientReferral from friendReal Estate AgentSolicitorCar signageBusiness cardBuyers AdvocateMortgage BrokerOtherProperty to be inspectedStreet addressSuburbReal estate agent detailsContact personContact numberIdeal Inspection Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Inspection detailsSelect the type of inspection you wish to have conducted* Building and Timber Pest Inspection Building Inspection Timber Pest Inspection Select the category which best describes the property to be inspected: (please select one)* Apartment, unit or flat (with no yard, up to 2 bedrooms) Property with up to 3 bedrooms Property with up to 4 bedrooms (1 living, up to 2 bathrooms/toilets) Property with over 4 bedrooms Other CommentsDo you have any concerns or specific areas you would like inspected?Thank you for selecting: - Building and Timber Pest Inspection Your total inspection value is:Pricing* $595 (incl GST) Next available - urgent $475 (incl GST) Flexi 4 - within 4 days ** Flexi 4 pricing is only available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offer This is based on an apartment, unit or flat (with no yard and up to 2 bedrooms) within the Melbourne metro area. Prices may vary depending on the location, renovation status, living areas, bathrooms and overall size of the property, if unsure please call the office on 1300 776 072. otherwise someone from the office will make contact to discuss.Thank you for selecting: - Building Inspection Your total inspection value is:Pricing* $495 (incl GST) Next available - urgent $435 (incl GST) Flexi 4 - within 4 days ** Flexi 4 pricing is only available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offer This is based on an apartment, unit or flat (with no yard and up to 2 bedrooms) within the Melbourne metro area. Prices may vary depending on the location, renovation status, living areas, bathrooms and overall size of the property, if unsure please call the office on 1300 776 072. otherwise someone from the office will make contact to discuss.Thank you for selecting: - Timber Pest Inspection Your total inspection value is:Pricing* $495 (incl GST) Next available - urgent $435 (incl GST) Flexi 4 - within 4 days ** Flexi 4 pricing is only available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offer This is based on an apartment, unit or flat (with no yard and up to 2 bedrooms) within the Melbourne metro area. Prices may vary depending on the location, renovation status, living areas, bathrooms and overall size of the property, if unsure please call the office on 1300 776 072. otherwise someone from the office will make contact to discuss.Thank you for selecting: - Building and Timber Pest Inspections Your total inspection value is:Pricing* $695 (incl GST) Next available - urgent $625 (incl GST) Flexi 4 - within 4 days ** Flexi 4 pricing is only available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offer This is based on a property up to 3 bedrooms within the Melbourne metro area. Prices may vary depending on the location, renovation status, living areas, bathrooms and overall size of the property, if unsure please call the office on 1300 776 072. otherwise someone from the office will make contact to discuss.Thank you for selecting: - Building Inspection Your total inspection value is:Pricing* $595 (incl GST) Next available - urgent $545 (incl GST) Flexi 4 - within 4 days ** Flexi 4 pricing is only available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offer This is based on a property up to 3 bedrooms within the Melbourne metro area. Prices may vary depending on the location, renovation status, living areas, bathrooms and overall size of the property, if unsure please call the office on 1300 776 072. otherwise someone from the office will make contact to discuss.Thank you for selecting: - Timber Pest Inspection Your total inspection value is:Pricing* $595 (incl GST) Next available - urgent $545 (incl GST) Flexi 4 - within 4 days ** Flexi 4 pricing is only available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offer This is based on a property up to 3 bedrooms within the Melbourne metro area. Prices may vary depending on the location, renovation status, living areas, bathrooms and overall size of the property, if unsure please call the office on 1300 776 072. otherwise someone from the office will make contact to discuss.Thank you for selecting: - Building and Timber Pest Inspection Your total inspection value is:Pricing* $775 (incl GST) Next available - urgent $695 (incl GST) Flexi 4 - within 4 days ** Flexi 4 pricing is only available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offer This is based on a property up to 4 bedrooms within the Melbourne metro area. Prices may vary depending on the location, renovation status, living areas, bathrooms and overall size of the property, if unsure please call the office on 1300 776 072. otherwise someone from the office will make contact to discuss.Thank you for selecting: - Timber Pest Inspection Your total inspection value is:Pricing* $675 (incl GST) Next available - urgent $625 (incl GST) Flexi 4 - within 4 days ** Flexi 4 pricing is only available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offer This is based on a property up to 4 bedrooms within the Melbourne metro area. Prices may vary depending on the location, renovation status, living areas, bathrooms and overall size of the property, if unsure please call the office on 1300 776 072. otherwise someone from the office will make contact to discuss.Thank you for selecting: - Building Inspection Your total inspection value is:Pricing* $675 (incl GST) Next available - urgent $625 (incl GST) Flexi 4 - within 4 days ** Flexi 4 pricing is only available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offer This is based on a property up to 4 bedrooms within the Melbourne metro area. Prices may vary depending on the location, renovation status, living areas, bathrooms and overall size of the property, if unsure please call the office on 1300 776 072. otherwise someone from the office will make contact to discuss.Thank you for selecting: - Building and Timber Pest Inspection Our office will be in touch with you shortly to give you a tailored price. Alternatively you can call the office on 1300 776 072. ** Flexi 4 is available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offerThank you for selecting: - Building Inspection Our office will be in touch with you shortly to give you a tailored price. Alternatively you can call the office on 1300 776 072. ** Flexi 4 is available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offerThank you for selecting: - Timber Pest Inspection Our office will be in touch with you shortly to give you a tailored price. Alternatively you can call the office on 1300 776 072. ** Flexi 4 is available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offerThank you for selecting: - Other Our office will be in touch with you shortly to give you a tailored price. Alternatively you can call the office on 1300 776 072. ** Flexi 4 is available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offerThank you for selecting: - Other Our office will be in touch with you shortly to give you a tailored price. Alternatively you can call the office on 1300 776 072. ** Flexi 4 is available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offerThank you for selecting: - Other Our office will be in touch with you shortly to give you a tailored price. Alternatively you can call the office on 1300 776 072. ** Flexi 4 is available right now ** Click here to find out more about our Flexi 4 offerIt is a condition of the 'Australian Standards' AS 4349.1 and 4349.3 that a pre-engagement agreement (outlining all the terms and conditions) is entered into prior to an inspection taking place. Click here to download the Bear Bottom Inspections Timber Pest Inspection Pre Purchase Agreement Click here to download the Bear Bottom Inspections Building Inspection Pre Purchase Agreement I have read and understand the above agreements. I agree to the terms and conditions as they relate to both Building Inspections and/or Timber Pest Inspections, whether they are singularly and or collectively ordered. Confirm* Tick here to confirm your agreement. A copy of this agreement will be sent to you with your confirmation e-mail. You will also receive an invoice once the inspection day and time is confirmed, reports are sent only once remittance has been received.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.